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Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


PhD, MScOT, Owner of Dysfagiklinikken, Adslevvej 2a, 8362 Hørning, Denmark

Mobil + 45 4041 5092 E-mail: web:


My research profile can be summarized in clinics and practices related research with the aim to understand and explain, as well as contributing to evidence-based interdisciplinary clinical practice in dysphagia.

I have completed my research in both the natural sciences and the humanities. I was employed at the Department of Public Health at the University of Southern Denmark and completed international PhD school in rehabilitation research and research training program in Social Studies in Medicine.


2008-2012: Difficulties in swallowing and eating following acquired brain injury – from a professional and a patient perspective. Phd thesis (2013). The Institute of Public Health and Hammel Neurorehabilitation and Research Centre. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark


2013 Ph.D., Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

2006 Master of Medical Science, Major: Occupational Therapy (MScOT), University of Lund,

2003 Occupational Therapy Specialist in Neurorehabilitation, The Danish Association of
Occupational Therapists, Copenhagen

2001 G/F.O.T.T. instructor, ARCOS, Malvern, United Kingdom

1989 Occupational Therapist (Basic grade), School of Occupational Therapy, Holstebro


Positions and employment

From June 2019 – Private Practice Occupational Therapist and owner of Dysfagiklinikken. Collaborate on education and research with Hammel Neurorehabilitation Centre and University Research Clinic.

2016-June 2019 Consultant/Occupational Therapy specialist/Dysphagia, Ear, Nose and Tract Department, University Hospital of Aarhus.

2013-June 2019 Functional head of the Centre of Competence for Oropharyngeal Dysphagia and Head of Occupational Therapy research, Hammel Neurorehabilitation Centre and University Research Clinic

2006-2013 Clinical Developer/Occupational Therapy, Hammel Neurorehabilitation Centre and University Research Clinic

2000-2006 Developmental Therapist/Occupational Therapy, Hammel Neurorehabilitation Centre and University Research Clinic

1989-2000 Head Occupational Therapist, Living and Rehabilitationcenter Lunden, Varde

Other experience and professional memberships

1989- Member, Danish Occupational Therapy Association (ETF)

2001- Member, Special interest group for Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (SIG-F.O.T.T.)

2005- Member, Danish Federation of Neurorehabilitation (DSNR)

2008- Member, European Society of Swallowing Disorders (ESSD)

2012- Member, Ergoterapifagligt Selskab for neurorehabilitering (EFS-neurorehabilitation)

2013- Member, Ergoterapifagligt Selskab for dysfagi (EFS-dysfagi)

2016- Member, Danish Association of Dysphagia (DSD) 

2017- Member, Klub for privatpraktiserende ergoterapeuter (KKPE)

2023 – Member – Ergoterapifagligt Selskab for Børn og Unge (EFS-børn)


2008 The Ropox Award, the Danish Occupational Therapy Association



Hansen T, Beck AM, Kjaersgaard A, Poulsen I. Second update of a systematic review and evidence-based recommendations on texture modified foods and thickened liquids for adults (above 17 years) with oropharyngeal dysphagia. 2022. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 49:551-555.

Hansen T, Kjaersgaard A. Item analysis of the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT10) by the Rasch model: a secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data obtained among community-dwelling elders  2020. In: Health Qual Life Outcomes 13;18(1):139.

Kjaersgaard A, Pallesen H.  First-Hand Experience of Severe Dysphagia Following Brainstem Stroke: Two Qualitative Cases. 2020. In: Geriatrics. 5, 1, 15.

Beck AM, Kjaersgaard A, Hansen T, Poulsen I. Systematic review and evidence based recommendations on texture modified foods and thickened liquids for adults (above 17 years) with oropharyngeal dysphagia – An updated clinic al guideline. 2018. In: Clinical Nutrition 37, 6, p:

Hansen T, Kjaersgaard A, Beck, A.M., Poulsen I. Letter to the editor: Effect of a Minimal-Massive Intervention in Hospitalized Older Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: a Proof og Concept Study (1).  2018. In: Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 22, 8,1018-1018.

Kjaersgaard A, Kristensen HK. Brain Injury and Severe Eating Difficulties at Admission-Patient Perspective Nine to Fifteen Months after Discharge: A Pilot Study. 2017. In: Brain Science. Aug 7;7(8).

Mortensen, J., Jensen, D. & Kjaersgaard, A. A validation study of the Facial-Oral Tract Therapy Swallowing Assessment of Saliva. 2016 In: Clinical Rehabilitation. Apr 30(4):410-5.

Pedersen, A. B., Kjærsgaard, A., Larsen, J. K. R. & Nielsen, L. H.(Neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia is a frequent condition in patients admitted to ICU)
Neurogen dysfagi ses hyppigt hos patienter på intensivafdelinger. 2 Mar 2015 In: Ugeskrift for laeger.177,10.

Kjaersgaard, A., Nielsen, L. H. & Sjölund, B. H. Factors affecting return to oral intake in inpatient rehabilitation after acquired brain injury. 2015 In: Brain Injury. p. 1-11.

Kothari, M., Svensson, P., Jensen, J., Kjaersgaard, A., Baad-Hansen, L. & Nielsen, J. F.  Tongue motor training-behavioural and neurophysiological aspects. 2014, Replace, Repair, Restore, Relieve – Bridging Clinical and Engineering Solutions in
Neurorehabilitation. SpringerLink, Vol: 7. P: 47-48.

Kjaersgaard, A., Nielsen, L. H. & Sjölund, B. H. Randomized trial of two swallowing assessment approaches in patients with acquired brain injury: Facial-Oral Tract Therapy versus Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing. Mar 2014 In: Clinical Rehabilitation. 28, 3, p: 243-253.

Andersen, U. T., Beck, A. M., Kjaersgaard, A., Hansen, T. & Poulsen, I. Systematic review and evidence based recommendations on texture modified foods and
thickened fluids for adults (≥18 years) with oropharyngeal dysphagia. Aug 2013 In: ESPEN Journal. 8, 4.

Kothari M, Svensson P, Jensen J, Kjærsgaard A, Jeonghee K, Nielsen JF, Ghovanloo M, Baad-Hansen L. Training-induced cortical plasticity compared between three tongue-training paradigms. In: Neuroscience. 2013. 246:1-12.

Hansen, T., Kjærsgaard, A. & Faber, J. Measuring elderly dysphagic patients’ performance in eating – a review. 2011 In: Disability and Rehabilitation. 33, 21-22, p: 1931-40.

Kjærsgaard, A., Nielsen, L. H. & Kock-Jensen, C.(Neurorehabilitation – neurogenic dysphagia) Neurorehabilitering – neurogen dysfagi . Mar 2010 In: Ugeskrift for Laeger. 172, 12, p: 956.

Kjaersgaard, A. & Langhorn, L. (Dysphagia – an overlooked problem in neurorehabilitation) Dysfagi – et overset problem i neurorehabiliteringen  2007 In: Ugeskrift for laeger. 169, 3, p. 220-3